Mission Statement
IDEAS aims to provide virtual representations of the physical environment by continuously onboarding new observations and model outputs to improve our understanding of Earth systems and provide decision support through analysis of hypothetical scenarios. IDEAS is an architectural approach for building software systems that will help us better understand Earth's systems and inform decisions that affect the future of the planet. Current IDEAS prototype implementations include analysis and prediction for air quality and flood events.
The IDEAS project is supported via NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office by the Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program. It is especially relevant to AIST’s Earth System Digital Twin (ESDT) focus area, in which ESDT is defined as an “interactive and integrated multidomain, multiscale, digital replica of the state and temporal evolution of Earth systems.” As described by AIST, ESDTs allow users to interact with a digital replica for a domain of interest to answer questions such as “what now?”, “what next?”, and “what if?” More information about Earth System Digital Twins can be found on the AIST ESDT web page.
IDEAS is one architectural approach that provides components to develop and explore architectures for Digital Twins. The IDEAS architecture orchestrates models and data to enable Digital Twin capabilities. It provides mechanisms for the outputs of one model to feed into others; for driving models with observation data; and for harmonizing observation data and model outputs for analysis. To demonstrate and validate this architecture, the IDEAS architecture has been implemented for two applications.

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Root URL
List Datasets
Endpoint: /list
Description: Provides a list of available data sets.
Output Type:
Example Call:
Spark Time Series
Description: Computes time series statistics
Endpoint: /timeSeriesSpark
Output Type: see output
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Required | Description |
ds |
required | The dataset on which to generate the statistics.
e.g. one of shortName value as supplied
the /list endpoint.
b |
required | Bounding box Minimum (Western) Longitude, Minimum (Southern) Latitude, Maximum (Eastern)
Longitude, Maximum (Northern) Latitude.
e.g. -60.0,10.0,-45.0,30.0
startTime |
required | Starting time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH.
e.g. 1453072400
endTime |
required | Ending time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH.
e.g. 1463072400
seasonalFilter |
optional | Flag used to specify if the seasonal averages should be computed during Time Series
e.g. False
lowPassFilter |
optional | Flag used to specify if a low pass filter should be computed during Time Series computation.
e.g. False
spark |
optional | Configuration used to launch in the Spark cluster.
Value should be 3 elements separated by commas. 1) Spark Master 2)
Number of Spark Executors 3) Number of Spark Partitions. Only Number of
Spark Partitions is used by this function.
e.g. local,4,8
output |
optional | Data formatting for results. Default is JSON . Alternative is
CSV for comma-seperated values.
Spark Average Daily Difference
Description: Computes anomalies for a specified region over a specified timeframe.
Endpoint: /dailydifferenceaverage_spark
Output Type:
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Required | Description |
dataset |
required | The dataset on which to calculate anomalies. One of shortName value as supplied by the /list endpoint.
climatology |
required | The dataset climatology used to calculate anomalies. One of shortName value as supplied by
the /list endpoint.
b |
required | Minimum (Western) Longitude, Minimum (Southern) Latitude, Maximum (Eastern) Longitude,
(Northern) Latitude.
e.g. -170,-5,-120,5
startTime |
required | Start time in which to calculate anomalies, in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since
EPOCH (Jan 1st, 1970).
e.g. 1291190400
endTime |
required | End time in which to calculate anomalies, in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since
EPOCH (Jan 1st, 1970).
e.g. 1462086000

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
Sample imagery not included.
Root URL
Description: Check OnEarth WMTS is running.
Description: EPSG geographic projections.
Demo call:
Description: EPSG webmercator projections.
Demo call:
Description: EPSG arctic projections.
Demo call:
Description: EPSG antarctic projections.
Demo call:
Sample Requests
GetCapabilities Request:
Tile Request:
Web Mapping Service (WMS)
Root URL
Description: Check OnEarth WMS is running.
Description: EPSG geographic projections.
Description: EPSG webmercator projections.
Description: EPSG arctic projections.
Description: EPSG antarctic projections.
Sample Requests
GetCapabilities Request:
Tile Request: