Mission Statement

IDEAS aims to provide virtual representations of the physical environment by continuously onboarding new observations to improve forecast and prediction for integrated science and decision support. Using Digital Twin architecture, IDEAS hopes to improve the understanding, prediction of and mitigation/response to Earth system processes, natural phenomena and human activities as well as their many interactions through analysis of hypothetical scenarios. IDEAS is part of NASA's Earth Science Division, which aims to better understand Earth's systems and changes to inform decisions that affect the future of the planet. Current IDEAS digital twins include analysis and prediction for air quality and flood events.

The IDEAS project is supported via NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office from the Advanced Information Systems Technology program.

Earth System Digital Twin

Led by the Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program, an Earth System Digital Twin (ESDT) serves as an integrated information system with the capability to continuously assess the impacts of natural and human activities on physical and natural environments. ESDTs offer the advantage of providing near real-time direct observations across various domains, including space, air, ground, underwater, and socioeconomic systems. They achieve this by dynamically integrating Earth system models, infrastructure-related models, historical records, analytics, and Artificial Intelligence tools.

An ESDT is structured around three pivotal components: "What now?", "What next?", and "What if?". These components are strategically aligned with AIST's fundamental objectives within the Digital Twin framework. Their collective mission is to advance the representation, prediction, and exploration of intricate Earth system phenomena within the realm of future ESDTs. For further insight into each objective, simply click on the tabs below.

In pursuit of these goals, AIST has identified and selected thirteen projects dedicated to advancing ESDT efforts in accordance with these strategic principles. These projects will explore technologies that contribute to the improvement of ESDT infrastructure, ML-surrogate modeling for ESDT applications, the application of Adaptive Control Framework within ESDTs, and the development of fully-functional ESDT prototypes.

What now?
What next?
What if?

The What now? component of an ESDT encapsulates one of AIST's overarching objectives: to create reusable information system frameworks that maintain continuous and precise representations of evolving systems. In this context, a Digital Replica is nourished by an ongoing stream of diverse, targeted observations, enabling it to offer a dependable depiction of the Earth System's present state. This aligns seamlessly with AIST's mission to foster information system frameworks that seamlessly adapt to changes over time while maintaining accuracy.
The essence of What if? encapsulates AIST's fundamental objective: furnishing the necessary tools for conducting "what-if" investigations that yield actionable predictions. Incorporating the Impact Assessment, this approach leverages the Digital Replica along with ML forecasting capabilities, causality assessment, uncertainty quantification, and advanced computational and visualization resources. These components collectively empower the execution of extensive simulations across a range of spatial and temporal scales. Consequently, this enables us to scrutinize and evaluate various "what-if" scenarios within our system of interest.


Develop with IDEAS APIs

Science Data Analytics Platform (SDAP)
SDAP is a professional open source implementation of an Analytics Center Framework (ACF). It is an ensemble of big data technologies for Earth science that is optimized to leverage the elastic cloud or on-premise computing clusters. SDAP has a growing collection of webservice capabilities including: satellite and model data analysis, anomaly detection, in situ data integration and matchup, fast data subsetting, and Machine Learning-Driven search and discovery. Thus, the SDAP API is best fit for retreiving data and data analysis results.

Root URL

List Datasets

Endpoint: /list

Description: Provides a list of available data sets.

Output Type: JSON

Example Call:

Spark Time Series

Description: Computes time series statistics

Endpoint: /timeSeriesSpark

Output Type: see output parameter.

Example Call:

Query Parameters:

Parameter Required Description
ds required The dataset on which to generate the statistics.
e.g. one of shortName value as supplied by the /list endpoint.
b required Bounding box Minimum (Western) Longitude, Minimum (Southern) Latitude, Maximum (Eastern) Longitude, Maximum (Northern) Latitude.
e.g. -60.0,10.0,-45.0,30.0
startTime required Starting time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH.
e.g. 1453072400
endTime required Ending time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH.
e.g. 1463072400
seasonalFilter optional Flag used to specify if the seasonal averages should be computed during Time Series computation.
e.g. False
lowPassFilter optional Flag used to specify if a low pass filter should be computed during Time Series computation.
e.g. False
spark optional Configuration used to launch in the Spark cluster. Value should be 3 elements separated by commas. 1) Spark Master 2) Number of Spark Executors 3) Number of Spark Partitions. Only Number of Spark Partitions is used by this function.
e.g. local,4,8
output optional Data formatting for results. Default is JSON. Alternative is CSV for comma-seperated values.

Spark Average Daily Difference

Description: Computes anomalies for a specified region over a specified timeframe.

Endpoint: /dailydifferenceaverage_spark

Output Type: JSON

Example Call:

Query Parameters:

Parameter Required Description
dataset required The dataset on which to calculate anomalies. One of shortName value as supplied by the /list endpoint.
climatology required The dataset climatology used to calculate anomalies. One of shortName value as supplied by the /list endpoint.
b required Minimum (Western) Longitude, Minimum (Southern) Latitude, Maximum (Eastern) Longitude, Maximum (Northern) Latitude.
e.g. -170,-5,-120,5
startTime required Start time in which to calculate anomalies, in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH (Jan 1st, 1970).
e.g. 1291190400
endTime required End time in which to calculate anomalies, in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH (Jan 1st, 1970).
e.g. 1462086000
OnEarth is a software package consisting of image formatting and serving modules which facilitate the deployment of a web service capable of efficiently serving standards-based requests for georeferenced raster imagery (and vectors) at multiple spatial resolutions including, but not limited to, full spatial resolution. The software was originally developed at JPL to serve global daily composites of MODIS imagery. Since then, it has been deployed and repurposed in other installations, including at the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) in support of the State of the Oceans (SOTO) visualization tool, the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project (LMMP), and Worldview.

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

Sample imagery not included.

Root URL




Description: Check OnEarth WMTS is running.


Description: EPSG geographic projections.
Demo call: https://ideas-digitaltwin.jpl.nasa.gov/demo/wmts/epsg4326/


Description: EPSG webmercator projections.
Demo call: https://ideas-digitaltwin.jpl.nasa.gov/demo/wmts/epsg3857/


Description: EPSG arctic projections.
Demo call: https://ideas-digitaltwin.jpl.nasa.gov/demo/wmts/epsg3413/


Description: EPSG antarctic projections.
Demo call: https://ideas-digitaltwin.jpl.nasa.gov/demo/wmts/epsg3031/

Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Root URL




Description: Check OnEarth WMS is running.


Description: EPSG geographic projections.


Description: EPSG webmercator projections.


Description: EPSG arctic projections.


Description: EPSG antarctic projections.